Saturday, January 5, 2008

Joshua David Wadley

Joshua is our little two-year old, and he is all boy! He loves cars, balls, football and the color blue. He also doesn't know his own strength-when he gets frustsrated he comes out swinging. From first hand experience it hurts! On the other hand he is a little lovey-dovey boy. He loves to give hugs and kisses and is usually very sweet to think others. Josh is currently in a speech therapy program with kids on the move and showing improvement. His increased speaking abilities has helped cut back on his violent outbursts. He enjoys reading books and watching signing time. Josh likes to act grown up and follow around with the grown-ups, but when it comes to doing anything too risky he is glad to be left out, he gets nervous quite easily. For Christmas Josh recived a crash and shake race car and a punching bag, both are getting good use and he is having lots of fun. Josh is entering his 2nd year of nursery and is becoming an old pro at going in without a fus. (thank goodness)!


DB said...

I did not know his middle name was David...It has been so long since I have seen him in person, his personality and how much he has grown is so amazing! D

Amy said...

Did he get boxing gloves as well? That kid should wear them all the time to give you a warning before he comes after you! He is so adorable!