Sunday, April 20, 2008

And Life Goes On!

This past week has been quite uneventful as far as activities, due to Spring break, but the exciting (not) weather changes have been interesting to watch.   The term "Utah weather" has really shined through this week.  Monday was 80 degrees and we got sunburned working in the garden.  Tuesday it was a warm morning and then turned colder with lots of wind.  Wednesday it was even colder with more wind.  Thursday was nicer, Friday and Saturday were lovely with mild winds and we were able to do more yard work.  Of course, here we are again on Sunday, sunny skies but cold, snow was in the forecast but alas nothing.  I am pretty sure that we will have snow, chilling rain, whipping winds & hot days in the near future, possibly in the next week or even all of these in one day.  It would not be foreign to Utah.  Anyway, they say when you have nothing to say talk about the weather.  Ha Ha.  Like I said this past week has been slow, school was shut down, dance was closed, play group was postponed and many people were out of town.   I hope to post pictures soon of the past month, so stay tuned!


DB said...

We posted about the weather too! But not for lack of topics. You need to post before and after shots of your house, including the cool toy room.

With all that land, are you planting a garden this year?

Whitney said...

I'm glad you're getting at least a little bit of nice weather and I don't believe that you have nothing to blog about! You could do a seperate blog about each room in the house- that could go on forever! Not to mention all the hilarious things your kids do and say every day. Of course we're all about random posts- writing about things that probably aren't worth writing about but we think they're entertaining. Whenever you're looking for ideas, look to Dustin- he's the king of blog topics.

Amy said...

I miss the snow and wind and rain...can you send some my way?? I am sure all the Californians when they look deep down really would like some.