Thursday, February 14, 2008

He loves me. . . He loves me not! Valentines Day!

This year Dave and I decided to celebrate Valentines with a 5 dollar budget. I am glad that we did because it has been great! The opportunity to be creative, sneaky, and frugal while trying to work with a budget was quite fun. This morning I woke up to this masterpiece.
I know you can't see it very well but he made me oragami flowers and candy- bar flowers, which he attached with hanger wires that he bent at the stem to attach the Andes mint leaves. He also added some cilantro-but it died before I could see it fresh. It was very sweet. We gave the kids a box of yo-go's, a light-up pen and a card. They were very excited, especially with all the decorations.
For the evening we ate heart shaped pizza and watched the Disney show "Game Plan". We had lots of fun


Amy said...

Oh my goodness!!! SO CUTE!! Dave you get 50 million bonus points!!

DB said...

I'm impressed on the bouquet! I thought the heart shaped pizza was very clever...Whitney made me pink Mac and cheese for lunch, so I got the fancy food too.

What did you end up doing for Dave?

Sally Barrington said...

you guys continue to amaze me on how creative you guys are you should really write a book for us less creative folk. or you could just offer us a class on creative gifts.
what do you think i will sign up for it right now.
any how I think it is awesome

Amy said...

What did you think of the movie Game Plan? I didn't think it was too bad.

Whitney said...

That bouquet is adorable- did he come up with that all on his own? I love the $5 budget idea- we might have to start that in our family!

Sally Barrington said...

Oh my word! You guys are crazy cool!!! Dave you are an artist. I love it. 5 bucks thats great. Shawn and I went to wal-mart and "gave" (looked at) each other all the fun music cards. Plus anything else that we thought was cool. We both got exactly what we wanted with a price tag of 0.

Shanell said...

I love the flowers! that is so cute! And its great that your kids got to join the fun! go WADSQUAD you really are a great example to us all. sometimes cheaper is better!

wadsquad said...

Thanks for all your kind words. I made a basket for Dave full of non-sugar items(his request). Hanging from the handle I made little envelopes with heart cards that had written on them, "reason why I love you" I won't bore you with the gory details but he loved it. I liked the movie Game Plan, I can't say I would buy it but it is worth a one time watch.